Another Oldie: Uccello

Due to planned festivities, I’ll not have time for regular updates this week. Instead, I’m reposting some favorites. The following was first posted in January 2014.

Originally published in 1987 in a short-lived publication called The Balcones Review, “Uccello” is the opening of a longer work. Today, as I look out my window at that same tree, I hear the birds, no longer silent.



the wind is what
the stillness
desires to say
each instant
collapsing into itself
like a bud
to the seed

the birds in my tree
are silent
as echoes
before their brief
lives are

something thrashes
in the leaves
the feather
is not only what
it is

as the candle
is more
than flame
or a moment

to darkness

the question
is of clarity

I built a frame
but placed
nothing in it

the wind
blows through
quietly as if
between silences
there exists
only silence or

the familiar embrace



The formatting isn’t right, so I’ve provided a pdf of how the poem should look. It might be interesting to compare the two.

Uccello pdf

23 thoughts on “Another Oldie: Uccello

  1. I could feel this, but the original format (pdf) is like being inside each element of the poem. (I do like that idea of attaching a pdf.) I like how the “empty” frame is as much an element as any other in the scene.

    Yes, formatting is frustrating. I’ve copied a line from one of my poems that had the format I wanted, only to have the editor change it as soon as it was saved.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Pingback: Another Oldie: Uccello | wwwpalfitness

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