Letter from Insomnia


Letter from Insomnia

Accepting Li Po’s tragedy,
apocryphal or not,

we embrace her imperfect
rippling in the breeze,

but manage to surface.

I once thought I would name a child Luna
and she would glow at night

and like Hendrix, kiss the sky.
But that was whimsy

and only candles light this room
at this hour
on this particular day
in this year of the snake.

And what fool would reach for a stone orbiting at
1,023 meters per second?

There are clouds to consider, the stars
and the scattering rain

and of course wine
and the possibilities within each glass
and the drops therein.
We must discuss these matters

under her gaze, where smallness gathers.

* * *

This originally appeared in Middle Gray in October, 2013. It was written in response to a poem my friend Michael sent me, replying to this poem.



31 thoughts on “Letter from Insomnia

  1. Pingback: Robert Okaji – O at The Edges simply is a masterful teller of poetic tales – richwrapper

  2. Reblogged this on BLUE HYDRANGEAS and commented:
    I am grateful for poetry! It allows us to examine experiences and concepts from different perspectives using figurative and metaphorical language. This poem posted by “O at the Edges” beautifully and visually speaks on reflections of mid-night pondering when sleep eludes us. He references Li
    Po, a prolific Chinese poet from the ancient “Golden Age” of Chinese poetry, whose poems celebrated friendship, nature, solitude, and the joys of drinking wine. True or not, legend includes tales of Li Po’s drunkenness and chivalry, and include the story that he drowned when reaching from his boat to grasp the moon’s reflection in the river. Robert Tokaji references LI Po’s ancient legend of tragedy with the moon, as background and comparison for his own experience this night with insomnia. It added sparkle to my day. I love it!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Three Books from September (Year 2) – priorhouse blog

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