Bottom, Falling


Bottom, Falling

Through that window you see another bird
rising, unlabeled, unwanted, yet noticed.
A limb’s last leaf. The boy’s breath.
Like the morning after your father died,
when temperature didn’t register
and heat shallowed through the morning’s
end. Still you shivered. Glass. Wind.
Night’s body. How to calibrate nothing’s
grace? Take notes. Trace its echo. Try.



“Bottom Falling” was published in Into the Void in October 2016, and is included in my chapbook, From Every Moment a Second.

15 thoughts on “Bottom, Falling

  1. Beautiful piece. Random moments intertwined with pieces of memories, saddened and separated by physical things. This took me back to the morning of both my parent’s funerals. It is strange what we remember and what we choose to forget. Extremely thought provoking,​ thank you.

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