Dictionary of Dreams


Dictionary of Dreams

You do not know their secret names.
Mine is the music of metal and wood.

Human voices behind walls.
Trapped in reds, in chiseled words.

And silence. Always silence.
Or the filtered woodwinds at dawn.

How to describe her body?
The quickness of night. Year’s demise.

A family of ghosts hidden in these halls.


* * *

“Dictionary of Dreams” was published in Kingdoms in the Wild in April 2018.


8 thoughts on “Dictionary of Dreams

  1. A sit-down piece. Par for the course in reading you. Striking: we inhabit our family much as they serve shelter-unseen and an often oblique comfort for us…and, of course, much more than flesh-and-blood paper those walls and clarify the squared glass. I’m ever up to something important when I stop in on you, sir. Much like a working lunch, but at a place worth thrice the dollar charged. I’m grateful.

    Liked by 1 person

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