His Softness (with recording)




His Softness

What name would survive
had you not stepped into the water

that day? Memory assigned
a separate word, another given,

and the face I’d placed with you
appeared in front of me

fifteen years later, in another
setting, miles away

and still breathing. How
may I honor you

if not by name? I recall
the gray ocean and how

umbrellas struggled in
the wind, and reading

in the weekly newspaper
a month after

that you had never emerged.
Now your name still lies there,

somewhere, under the surface,
unattached yet moving with

the current, and I,
no matter how I strain,

can’t grab it. Time after time,
it slips away. Just slips away.


.* * *

“His Softness” was published in January 2016 in the inaugural edition of MockingHeart Review.


5 thoughts on “His Softness (with recording)

  1. Robert, you have a gift for capturing the essence of a topic – creating image and emotion- that is nonspecific enough to allow the reader to slip in between the lines and have a personal experience. I felt that today.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. This stirs up self-compassion for my increasing memory “vacancies” which haunt me with images I cannot pin down with name/date/location … especially like the part about appearance in other places … lots to ponder here!

    Liked by 1 person

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