Two Poems in Eclectica


These two pieces were written about a dozen years ago. Unlike most of what I write, they emerged quickly and whole, appearing on the page then almost as they do now in Eclectica. Not trusting the ease with which they’d slipped into existence, I set them aside, intending to return to them with a new eye at some point. A few months ago, while digging through a pile of fragments and unfinished pieces, mostly crap, I must admit, these popped up. They’re okay, I thought. Better than I remember. So I dusted them off and released them into the world.

If you have the time, you might read poetry editor Jen Finstrom’s section in “From the Editors.” She discusses her selection process, how the work in each issue seems to find a common thread – perhaps an image, or theme – and that she looks for these connections. Oddly enough, in this issue, two poems bear the same title, “Memorial Day.” One of them is mine.


31 thoughts on “Two Poems in Eclectica

  1. I’m so glad I’ll have some time to catch up reading your works today, Robert. I have missed a ‘shutter’ I think, lately. I loved reading “Threes” and “Memorial Day”–“and all you know for certain/
    is that you don’t know.” I love the circular Socretean-ness of that idea, and the “dream of dogs” from which ‘she’ wakes the ‘you’ in the poem. As odd as it probably sounds, I’m glad some brave people in the world grasp at the darkness, if only to shed light (like Diogenes!) for the rest of us.


  2. Both of these certainly speak to the certainty of the randomness of life – inner and outer. ” the continued, inelegant fate that declares us human.” Maybe not so much fate but the unnoticed passing of the mundane. Both poems haunting and lovely.


  3. Beautiful and elegant poetry from the world’s worst mandolin player! 😛 Sorry, Robert…I couldn’t resist!



  4. World’s worst mandolin player? Add to that first poet to make a villain out of a hummingbird. You are hereby in extremely rarefied air, sir. Loved “Memorial Day,” too, and the way it tumbles along to the last line.


  5. Hi! I have nominated you for a WordPress Very Impressive Blog Award. If you are not interested in participating, that is fine—but perhaps you’ll get a few extra well-deserved readers just from the nomination as I posted your url on my WordPress site! (This is entirely different from the blog hop.) Go here for an explanation:

    I always enjoy reading your blog! Judy


  6. Wow! I really enjoyed these two poems and your thoughtful reflection on life and its randomness. It certainly seems that life serves up both the negative in threes! Look forward to you more of your musings.


  7. Hi, Robert. Thanks for all your ‘likes’ on The Poet’s Resource – hope you’re finding it helpful. I’m still trying to find a theme that better serves the purpose – it’s not a very user-friendly resource at present, is it – hard to find things 😉 I’m so glad I visited your blog. I loved your pieces in ‘Eclectica’ – especially that last line in ‘Memorial Day’, which really resonates. Powerful stuff. I already tried to post this comment once, so fingers crossed it lets me leave the comment this time!


  8. I absolutely love them. Sometimes they are perfect and you have to leave them alone. These two are perfect as they are. They flowed freely, you say? There is a reason for that. Don’t change a thing. We are most critical of ourselves.😊

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