Feeling Squeezed at the Grocery Store I Conclude that the Propensity to Ignore Pain is Not Necessarily Virtuous, but Continue Shopping and Gather the Ingredients for Ham Fried Rice because That’s What I Cook When My Wife is Out-of-Town and I’m Not in the Mood for Italian, and Dammit I’m Not Ill, Merely a Little Inconvenienced, and Hey, in the 70’s I Played Football in Texas and When the Going Gets Tough…


Feeling Squeezed at the Grocery Store I Conclude that the Propensity to Ignore Pain is Not Necessarily Virtuous, but Continue Shopping and Gather the Ingredients for Ham Fried Rice because That’s What I Cook When My Wife is Out-of-Town and I’m Not in the Mood for Italian, and Dammit I’m Not Ill, Merely a Little Inconvenienced, and Hey, in the 70’s I Played Football in Texas, and When the Going Gets Tough…

I answer work email in the checkout line. Drive home, take two aspirin.
Place perishables in refrigerator.  Consider collapsing in bed.  Call wife.
Let in dog.  Drive to ER, park.  Provide phone numbers. Inhale. Exhale.
Repeat. Accept fate and morphine. Ask for lights and sirens, imagine the
seas parting. On the table, consider fissures and cold air, windows and
hagfish. Calculate arm-length, distance and time.  Expect one  insertion,
receive another. Dissonance  in perception, in reality.  Turn head when
asked.  Try reciting Kinnell’s  “The Bear.”  Try again, silently this  time.
Give up.  Attempt “Ozymandias.”  Think of dark highways. Wonder about
the femoral, when and how they’ll remove my jeans. Shiver uncontrollably.


67 thoughts on “Feeling Squeezed at the Grocery Store I Conclude that the Propensity to Ignore Pain is Not Necessarily Virtuous, but Continue Shopping and Gather the Ingredients for Ham Fried Rice because That’s What I Cook When My Wife is Out-of-Town and I’m Not in the Mood for Italian, and Dammit I’m Not Ill, Merely a Little Inconvenienced, and Hey, in the 70’s I Played Football in Texas and When the Going Gets Tough…

  1. Mirin? Hmm, I don’t even know what that is! In any case, I’m glad to see that you’re far removed from this painful-sounding experience, Bob. I don’t know how you’ve made a great poem out of it, but I cease to be amazed by your writing ability! (ham-fried rice recipe sounds sumptuous, too!)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ha! The cardiac emergency made me realize that I should not put off certain pursuits any longer – I started this blog about six weeks after the event, and here I stand today greatly enriched by the friends, readers and opportunities I’ve gained from this simple blog. I lived. And I live.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. i’m glad you’re ok, robert. while reading this i was like, wow he’s writing this in the ER parking lot or something. thankfully, i haven’t had to deal with an ER visit for myself. it’s bad enough when it’s someone else and the helplessness settles in. have a joyous holiday and a healthy new year!

    Liked by 1 person

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