The Bitter Celebrates


The Bitter Celebrates

Mention gateways and mythologies
and I see openings to paths
better left unseen. No choice is

but preparation leads us astray as well.
Take this bitter leaf.
Call it arugula.
Call it rocket.
Call it colewort or weed.
Dress it with oil and vinegar,
with garlic and lemon.
Add tomato, salt.

Though you try to conceal it,
the bitterness remains.

But back to gates and myths. Do they truly
lead us out, or do we
circle back, returning
to the same endings
and again.

Remove the snake, rodents return.

Seal the hole.
Take this leaf.
Voice those words.
Close that door.


“The Bitter Celebrates” first appeared in Amethyst Review in December 2018.

7 thoughts on “The Bitter Celebrates

  1. I love this thoughtful philosophical piece! So easy to be lead astray and taken advantage of when we are desperate for answers we will never find! Best live a day at a time and make it the best one we can showing love and compassion to all.

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