My Poem “Two Cranes on a Snowy Pine” has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize


The editors of Panoply have nominated my poem, “Two Cranes on a Snowy Pine,” for a Pushcart Prize. Many thanks to editors Ryn Holmes, Jeff Santosuosso and Andrea Walker for this honor, the first such nomination I’ve ever received.

Their full list of nominees can be found here.

See the woodblock print that sparked this poem: Hokusai


139 thoughts on “My Poem “Two Cranes on a Snowy Pine” has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize

    • Oh, you know how it goes – you write these things and hope to find homes for them. Sometimes they alight, sometimes they keep drifting. This one found the right place, the right editors and the right time. Who knows if it’ll ever happen again. The reward is truly found in the writing.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I agree about the timing, etc. Cosmic alignment, but talent will out. I thought you had a shed full of these things. But seriously, much deserved and I’m proud to say I knew ya when.

        Here’s to many more. Hopefully for both of us. ☺

        Liked by 2 people

  1. Well done, sir! I’ve been out of the writing and WordPress scene for a while as I settle into my insane job of teaching 8th graders…but I’ve been keeping up where I can. So glad to hear this about you and your work.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I’m loving all these comments from your fans (and your humble, entertaining responses thereto)!

    This poem is truly something special. I especially love how it’s both an explication and an extension of the art that inspired it. How fitting it is that your reverent study of eternal joy encapsulated in art is “alighting” on its own revered, immortal branch?


    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Ms. H. I’m cursed with perpetually feeling that I haven’t done enough, that I need to work harder, get more done, etc. Thus success (such as it is) is fleeting, as is satisfaction. Once a poem is written (or abandoned), I go on to the next, and the next, in hopes of improving, of writing better. As for this poem, it may alight, but it likely won’t roost. But who knows? 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • No, I don’t imagine you will ever feel as if you’ve “done enough,” as you demand more of yourself than simply doing what it takes to “deserve” recognition (which is one of things I find most compelling about you and your work!). But a Pushcart nomination is a feather in your cap, any way you look at it! 🙂

        To wit (talk about curses! I’m in my element slinging around the relics of dead languages like a foof-head), whatever happens after the nomination, as far as I’m concerned — if not only because of the sheer numbers involved, not to mention the variability of the industry’s “use value paradigm” (to quote from Clade Song’s mission statement), which all but denies poetry’s potential for ageless sublimity in favor of the fleeting, avant-garde flavor of the day — is just a crap shoot by comparison…

        Of course, I don’t have any experience with “roosting,” either, so, it could be that the grapes aren’t all as sour as I perceive them to be from this vantage point. Maybe, you’ll soon be enlightening me? 😉

        Who knows, indeed!

        Liked by 2 people

  3. Pingback: My #Poem #Two #Cranes on a #Snowy #Pine #hasbeen #nominated #Pushcart #Prize #Edges | Highwaypay

  4. Been a little out-of-touch in the digital world; nice to check in and find good news. It is such a wonderful poem — and*almost* makes me wish for some of that precipitation… 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Pingback: My Poem “Two Cranes on a Snowy Pine” has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize | How my heart speaks

  6. Pingback: The Wordsmith’s Weekly Wramble in Words and Pictures | Leigh's Wordsmithery

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